We are a couple who loves traveling and exploring new places. We like good food and also we will not say no to a local wine or beer 🙂 We like to plan our trips by ourselves without using travel agencies. Also, since we are from “the North”, we don’t like crowds and we try to avoid high-seasons. Maybe it gives us a little better opportunity to see something else than other tourist backs.
In everyday life, Kätlin is a lawyer, who really loves baking (a little bit of a baking addict I would say) and Janar is a software developer and a co-owner of a digital agency (focused on UI/UX design), with quite many hobbies (from woodwork to digital electronics).
Why we started a blog?
Planning a trip is almost as thrilling as actually going on one. Since we do a lot of planning ourselves, we usually gather a lot of information related to our trips. Very often it’s hard to find good answers from the internet for our questions. So we decided not to hold all the information that we have gathered during our trips for ourselves and share it with You.
We do our best to write useful articles which could help others to avoid the same struggles that we have had.

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